Raw Dog Food: Dietary Concerns, Benefits,
and Risks
As people are now reducing the use of processed food, even the pet owners are trying something similar for their pet's food. Owners are giving up on the conventional pet foods, and going with the butcher's raw meat directly. Is it really fine and healthy in feeding raw meat to your pet? What are the Good and the Bad in following a raw meat diet for the pets?
Raw Dog Food: Dietary Concerns, Benefits, and Risks
One important point to note here is, there have been no significant proofs of how raw meat benefits the animals. The only good thing they help with is quick digestion. You might have seen the sharp canine tooth in pets, which are specifically made for eating flesh or any other meat product. Lisa Freeman, DVM, and Ph.D. holder - she studied about the raw dog diets and mentioned how unhealthy it is. She says people are just going by what the Internet is saying without understanding the effects.

She also adds, that those people who want to opt a better option than the conventional food, then make it yourself!
- The possible and visible benefits of using the raw meat for your pets are as follows:
- Healthy and shiner Coat
- Clean teeth
- Increased energy level
- Less stools
Now, we will head on to the potential risks involved in the raw meat consumption.
Risk Involved
- First of all, both human and the pet could get infections due to shared meat.
- If the diet is unbalanced, then stop providing it and opt for a better dog diet.
- Consuming large bones could choke your pet, cause an internal puncture or even break their teeth.
I won't ever recommend this kind of raw meat diet to any dog out there!
It's important that you get your pet a balanced diet, rather than a healthy one. What are your insights about this raw-meat diet? Are you up for it or not? Comment down your answers below!